
The next day, during lunch break, I went to the classroom where Koizumi was enrolled.

As soon as Koizumi saw me peering into the classroom from near the door, he came out into the corridor.

He held a single sheet of paper in his hand and stopped by the wall, facing me, where there were few people passing by.


“Here’s the document for the farewell event that Shinra-kun asked for. It’s just a simple one with the overview and schedule. Is it okay?”


“It’s fine… Sorry, Koizumi. I know you’re busy too.”


“Don’t worry about it. I was thinking it would be starting soon anyway.”


Yesterday, I sent a message asking if he had any documents explaining the farewell event.

Naturally, Koizumi didn’t have such documents at hand, so he went to the student council room, which wasn’t active today, and brought them back.


If I knew where the documents were kept, I could have gotten them myself, but when it comes to last year’s documents, I would have to search through them one by one.

After expressing my apologies and gratitude to Koizumi, he smiled and told me not to worry.


“You wanted an explanation about the documents and the organizing committee, right?”


“Yes, please.”


Nodding to Koizumi, I looked down at the document he handed me.

On the sheet gathering last year’s students for the farewell event, there were simple tasks outlined.


“The main activity is to plan the program for the farewell event. Next, it’s important to appoint a representative from the current students… This is often taken on by the student council president, but since it’s decided that the student council president will serve as the representative at the graduation ceremony, it’s fine for other students to take on the role.”


“If the appointment is decided by the committee… then does that mean the main task for most of us is just to brainstorm ideas for the farewell event?”


“Thinking about the content is indeed the most time-consuming part, but actually, the later stages might be more challenging. Things like organizing the positions of students in the gym, decorating the venue, and sometimes surprises from the current students’ association as well. There are quite a few details to handle.”


“The more mundane the task, the more challenging it tends to be…”


Primarily physical labour.

In simple terms, it would likely be a flow where girls come up with decorating ideas, and boys implement them.


As long as there are enough people, it shouldn’t be a problem, but since it’s a voluntary effort, expectations should be managed.

And there was one point that caught my attention from what Koizumi told me.


“Do we have a budget for gifts?”


“Every year, the farewell event expenses are covered by the proceeds from the cultural festival. So, in years with higher profits, there’s a bit more flexibility. That’s why we can afford to give gifts.”




As expected of Sakuranaoka Academy, which respects students’ wills.

It’s an educational institution that allows for experiences similar to business activities based on revenue, despite being small-scale.


So, this year, there should be a budget for gifts.

I remember they mentioned that last year’s attendance numbers were the highest, so the revenue should naturally increase proportionally to the attendance. Therefore, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that this year’s budget has the most room to spare.


“We’ve scheduled a meeting for the students after school today at 3 o’clock… Will Shinra-kun and Kanazaki-san be joining?”


“No, just me.”


Koizumi seemed surprised that there was no one else behind me when he asked, but I shook my head in response, and he looked unexpectedly puzzled.


…Do Koizumi and the others already see us as a set?

But that’s just a natural perception.

We’ve spent that much time together.

Although unspoken, Koizumi seemed to be internally questioning whether it was okay to ask for the reasons.


“I want to do it alone this time… If I participate with Kanazaki Shizuku, Kirasaka Rei, and Ogiwara Yuuto, it would be meaningless.”


“I don’t think it wouldn’t have any meaning… But if that’s how you feel, then…”


“Maybe it’s just a silly guy’s pride… I’ll try my best to handle it well with the participating students.”


With a wry smile, Koizumi didn’t ask any further questions.

Recently, he too had shown himself as a man, so perhaps he could understand the meaning behind my words to some extent.

A moment of silence spread between us, but Koizumi soon resumed the conversation.


“Could you come back to my place once before the meeting? It’s the first day, and the student council might need some help, so we might go together.”


“Got it, then after school.”


At parting, I thanked Koizumi once again before turning back and returning to the classroom.

Along the way, I checked the sheet of paper I was handed again and imagined how things would be after school.


…I hope the students are not too excited.

Farewell to our youth, with the grandest fireworks as the climax… That’s unlikely, right?

Descending the stairs and reaching the front of classroom 3, I could hear a commotion inside.


Thinking someone must be making a racket again, I slowly opened the door, only for Shizuku to notice me first and rush over, embracing me tightly as if I was about to be thrown into a sumo ring.


Huh, what’s this? Am I about to be dropped like a sack of potatoes, not from romantic or youthful feelings, but from sheer consciousness?

As I pondered this for a moment, Shizuku unexpectedly uttered some surprising words.


“Minato-kun! It’s a s-s-s-spider! Please help me!”


“A spider…?”


Oh, that’s what it is.


When I looked to where Shizuku was pointing, sure enough, there was a large spider scuttling across the floor.


…Wow, it’s big.

Even as a guy, that thing gave me creeps, enough to make my spine tingle and goosebumps rise.

I guess the commotion in the classroom was because of this conversation about who would deal with it.

Shizuku got up and clung to me for refuge, but Kirasaka…




She remained seated at her desk.

As expected, I thought, but something seemed off.

Her body was unnaturally rigid, her back unnaturally straight, and her arm holding the book seemed tense.


The glance she shot in our direction seemed to plead, “Please get rid of it quickly.”


…So even Kirasaka is afraid of something.

A little shocked by this new revelation, I sighed.

Well, I should… but then again, I shouldn’t.

Because, you see, I’m afraid of bugs.


“Yuuto, wasn’t that your favourite?”


“No way, why are you trying to make me out to be someone who likes gross things!?”


“Only you can defeat it…”


“Even if you say that like it’s some intense shounen manga plot, I still hate it…”


Despite looking incredibly reluctant, Yuuto somehow managed to deal with the spider himself.

Gently capturing it with a dustpan, he released it outside near the window.


…If it were me, I might have exclaimed “Excalibur!” and swung a broom at it with all my might.

Different strokes for different folks!



After the lunchtime commotion in the classroom settled down and we finished the remaining classes of the day, I hastily prepared to leave.


“Is there something you need to do?”


Kirasaka, sitting next to me, looked up and asked.

I hesitated for a moment about how to answer.

If I tell the truth, they might offer to help too.


For now, I decided to come up with a vague excuse because I wanted to try handling it on my own.


“I was asked to help out a bit in exchange for the redo of the history document I submitted from yesterday that the teacher didn’t like.”


“Oh, I see, abuse of authority, huh? Maybe I should fire them.”


“That’s scary… but it’s not a big deal, since it’s my mistake.”


While I was talking to Kirasaka, Shizuku had also moved closer and seemed to have heard the conversation.

When our eyes met, she gave me words of encouragement, saying, “Do your best.”


I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about it.

Yuuto and Miyashita would probably explain the situation to them later, so I left the classroom with my belongings on my shoulder a little ahead of them.

I climbed the stairs and moved to the front of Koizumi’s class, where he was already waiting in the hallway.


“Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we go?”


“Yeah, the classroom is in the first-year building, in the sewing room.”


As Koizumi led the way, I followed behind.

The sewing room… I think it was a classroom used by students who chose sewing instead of cooking in their first year.


I’ve never been there since I chose cooking just because it seemed like I could eat.

I imagine there are sewing machines and stuff, giving off a cluttered vibe, but places I’ve never been to always make my heart race a bit.

As we moved between the buildings, we saw junior students passing by, greeting Koizumi as they went.


Finally, we reached our destination at the far end of the first floor of one of the buildings.

While it’s true that a less crowded place is suitable for students to gather and work, this place seemed a bit too unpopular, creating an atmosphere that made it difficult for a lone person to approach.

The students still haven’t gathered, as the classroom lights are not yet on. Pressing the lighting button near the door, we both take a seat and let out a sigh.


We wonder what kind of students will come. Undoubtedly, students with strong connections to seniors, those who enjoy this type of committee work, and the noisy ones will show up. That’s about it.

Students participating in club activities will likely have their own farewell parties, so I doubt they’ll bother to join the general group. The same goes for students with no personal connections. Surprisingly, those with no connection to seniors may be the ones to show up. I pondered this and occasionally asked Koizumi, but enough time had passed.


“They’re not coming, are they, other students?”


“The time is definitely 3 o’clock, right?”


“It’s the same every year, so it should be right…”


As Koizumi tilts his head, pulling out documents and a notebook to confirm again, the sound of footsteps echoes down the empty corridor. We exchange looks, and finally, the first person arrives, and we breathe a sigh of relief.

Hoping that we’ll recognize the incoming students, we wait. As the door opens, the person standing there is a person in their fifties with gentle wrinkles and a kind smile.


“Oh, it’s President Koizumi and his assistant, Shinra… I’m glad there are students like you.”


We breathe another sigh of relief as the advisor for the Handicraft Club enters. I think his name was Sekiguchi-sensei?

Seeing Sekiguchi-sensei closing the door and preparing to start the discussion at the teacher’s desk, Koizumi can’t help but ask.


“Sekiguchi-sensei! Um, what about the other students…?”


“It seems like it’s just the two of you this year. I was worried no one would come, so I’m relieved.”


We’re both speechless at his carefree smile.

And then, instinctively, we turn to look behind us.

There are seats for up to forty students in the classroom, but only two are occupied.


Preparing for farewell for about 180 students.

The preparation for us two?

…That’s impossible no matter how you look at it.


The ceiling above seemed to ominously foreshadow our future developments, casting an eerie, dim light.


Fifteen days left until the farewell party.


<BBX> : Watched World god only know, during them ykw, exams… atleast it’s over now.


  1. Mirilu says:

    iirc the anime ending was a bit unsatisfying. He ends up together with someone in the manga tho.


    1. BrutalBotX says:

      You think I’m not gonna read it after they left the story there… A big nope


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